Venue: Best Western Restaurant, Grand Palace Hotel, Miri
It is rather expensive, it's Miri but the price of a steak is as expensive as the steak served in KL.
If you ask me how do I find about the food?
I would reply and say
Step 3:
While waiting for the chicken to be cooked, slice the cucumber, carrot and cabbage which are to be used as side dishes.
Step 4:
When the chicken is cooked, serve it on the plate.
Enjoy the meal.
Step 6:
Wash the dishes. This is the EASIEST step becasue I don't have to do it, just leave everything in the sink, the housekeeper will come and do it tomorrow :P hehe
The World Is Flat
我还没看完这本书。 这不是恐怖诡异故事书, 谈的是全球化, 可是我越读越觉得恐怖。 全球化已经不知不觉在我们的周遭起了变化, 我们注意到了吗? 我们做好准备了吗?
And while the dynamic force in Globalization 1.0 was countries globalizing and the dynamic force in Globalization 2.0 was companies globalizing, the dynamic force in Globalization 3.0 - the force that gives it its unique character - is the newfound power for individuals to collaborate and compete globally.
当我越想着如何和西方国家的人才比个高下时, 我不禁起了鸡皮疙瘩。 我做好准备了吗?