Sunday, January 07, 2007

money motivates me....钱!钱!钱

如果不是钱, 我想当初我绝对不会选择到钻油台工作。
今天是第四天了, 还有十天我就可以回到陆上去, 我在倒数着...
倒数日子有点难过, 不如换个令我开心疯狂大笑到尿失禁的方法来过日子吧!
不要数日子了, 我要数钞票。 用Exel作了个spreadsheet,每当过了一天,我更新资料后, 荧幕上就会出现红黄色的数目, 显示我一共赚了多少钱。
然后我开始想想即将到来的两个星期左右的假期, 开始幻想我的dream house...
每当我开始埋怨,开始失去启动力时, 只要我看看一直往上飚的数目, 我就会立刻跑去厕所尿尿,不然我会一边笑,一边撒尿在裤里... 哈哈!!

1 comment:

zhixing said...

I do agree with you that we must always strive for a balanced life. I think in every different stage of our life, the priority given to each of the work, health, family, friend and spirit is changing. When we are young, we will be more focus on our work, when we are getting older, we start to put more focus on family, spirit and others.

As I'm still young and just happens that there is a chance for me to earn more money, why not?? In chinese we say, bitter comes first, then the sweetness.
